The Pomorie SCI is the second most representative site of priority habitat Coastal lagoons in Bulgaria and the third most representative site within the EU Black Sea Biogeographical Region (BSBR). 1150* covers 665.77 ha (31.9%) of the SCI and represents 25.7% of the coverage of this habitat in the Bulgarian part of the BSBR. The conservation status of 1150* in Bulgaria is Unfavourable-Inadequate (Report under Article 17 of the HD, 2013-2018), same as at the BSBR. The habitat 1530* (Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes) presents 2.21% of the SCI area, but it is important for the main ecosystem services of the SCI and together with 1150* present 34% priority for conservation habitats.
SPA Pomorie Lake supports 270 bird species. 91 species are of European conservation concern (SPEC) (BirdLife International, 2004), 7 of them are listed in category SPEC1 as globally threatened, 21 in SPEC2 and 63 in SPEC3 as species threatened in Europe. It is one of Bulgaria’s most important breeding sites for the targeted birds. Artificial islands in the Lake attract rare breeders like Mediterranean and Slender-billed Gulls, Gull-billed Terns.
Pomoriysko lake Protected zone
This protected zone is one of the two Natura 2000 sites in the area of Pomorie Lake. It was announced by an order of the Minister of Environment and Water № RD-78 / 3.02.2009 (published in SG, issue 14/2009).
The protected zone "Pomorie Lake", identification code BG0000152 is located in the lands of Pomorie and Aheloy, Pomorie municipality, Burgas district, with a total area of 9215,280 decares, of which 1,233 km2 of sea space.
This protected area covers to a large extent both the Pomorie Lake Wetland and the eponymous protected area and protected area under the Habitats Directive. The area of the protected area "Pomorie Lake" is completely covered by that of the eponymous ornithologically important place BG037.
The protected area includes some saline pastures, arable land, a coastline 1 km south of the mouth of the Aheloy River, the mouth itself and the dam of the same name, which is 19.8% more than the territory of the protected area. In this way, it incorporates the Ramsar site.
According to the Standard Form of this protected zone its area is distributed as follows (% of the total area):
Purposes of declaration and subject of protection
According to an order of the Minister of Environment and Water № RD-78 / 3.02.2009 published in SG, no. 14/2009) the protected area was declared in order to:
The protected zone "Pomorie Lake", identification code BG0000152 is located in the lands of Pomorie and Aheloy, Pomorie municipality, Burgas district, with a total area of 9215,280 decares, of which 1,233 km2 of sea space.
This protected area covers to a large extent both the Pomorie Lake Wetland and the eponymous protected area and protected area under the Habitats Directive. The area of the protected area "Pomorie Lake" is completely covered by that of the eponymous ornithologically important place BG037.
The protected area includes some saline pastures, arable land, a coastline 1 km south of the mouth of the Aheloy River, the mouth itself and the dam of the same name, which is 19.8% more than the territory of the protected area. In this way, it incorporates the Ramsar site.
According to the Standard Form of this protected zone its area is distributed as follows (% of the total area):
- Marine areas, bays - 13%
- Rivers invaded by tides, estuaries, mud deposits, sand deposits, lagoons - 18%
- Coastal sand dunes, sandy beaches - 1%
- Inland water areas (standing water, running water) - 58%
- Swamps, marshes, vegetation along the water bodies, wetlands - 1%
- Dry grass communities, steppes - 1%
- Extensive cereals (including rotary crops with periodic set-aside) - 1%
- Other arable lands - 1%
- Non-forest areas with woody vegetation (including fruit trees, vineyards, roadside trees) - 1%
- Other lands (including cities, villages, roads, landfills, mines, industrial sites) - 5%
Purposes of declaration and subject of protection
According to an order of the Minister of Environment and Water № RD-78 / 3.02.2009 published in SG, no. 14/2009) the protected area was declared in order to:
- Conservation and maintenance of the habitats of the bird species referred to in item 2 in order to achieve their favorable conservation status
- Restoration of the habitats of the bird species under item 2, for which it is necessary to improve their conservation status
- 87 species under Art. 6, para. 1, item 3 of the Biological Diversity Act;
- 64 regularly occurring migratory bird species under Art. 6, para. 1, item 4 of the Biological Diversity Act.
- Construction of wind power facilities, ports, terminals and industrial enterprises, with the exception of facilities related to malting and mud mining;
- Extraction of mineral resources;
- Waste disposal;
- Carrying out activities related to drainage, drainage or change of the water regime of wetlands and natural water bodies, except for activities related to improving the condition of aquatic ecosystems and habitats, and in carrying out traditional salt and mud mining
- Elimination of landscape characteristics (single and groups of trees) in the use of agricultural land as such;
- Afforestation of meadows, pastures and meadows, as well as their conversion into arable land and permanent crops;
- Human access to colonies of nesting waterfowl, as well as entry into the lake by boats and other vessels, the practice of recreational water tourism and sports (water bike, jets, surfing, canoeing), except for activities related to salt and mud mining ;
- Burning of reeds and coastal vegetation;
- Reed mowing in the period from March 1 to August 15.
Pomorie Protected zone
Its area is 2,085.15 ha. The protected zone "Pomorie" is the largest in comparison with the protected area, the Ramsar site and the other Protected zone. However, it does not include that part of the Ramsar site which is occupied by a one-kilometre coastline north of the Aheloy estuary, the estuary itself and the dam of the same name.
According to the Standard Form for the protected zone "Pomorie" (Gradev, etc.) the area of the protected area is distributed as follows:
The protected area has been declared in order to:
Ownership of the land in the protected zone "Pomorie" - 88% is public state and 9% private.
Typical species for the area are Otter, Dobrudzha hamster, wagtail, spotted ferret, black-bellied bumblebee, spotted dragon, common marsh and thorn tortoise, large crested newt and carrion.
According to the Standard Form for the protected zone "Pomorie" (Gradev, etc.) the area of the protected area is distributed as follows:
- Marine areas, bays - 54%
- Salt marshes, salty pastures, salty steppes - 20%
- Coastal sand dunes, sandy beaches - 2%
- Rivers invaded by tides, estuaries, mud deposits, sand deposits, lagoons - 24%
The protected area has been declared in order to:
- Conservation of the area of natural habitats and habitats of species and their populations subject to protection within the protected area.
- Preservation of the natural state of the natural habitats and the habitats of species subject to protection within the protected area, including the natural species composition for these habitats, characteristic species and environmental conditions.
- Restoration, if necessary, of the area and natural state of priority natural habitats and habitats of species, as well as populations of species subject to protection within the protected area.
Ownership of the land in the protected zone "Pomorie" - 88% is public state and 9% private.
- 1110 Sandbanks which are slightly covered by seawater all the time
- 1140 Mudflats and sandflats not covered by seawater at low tide
- 1150 Coastal lagoons
- 1160 Large shallow inlets and bays
- 1170 Communities with brown, red and green algae on rocky seabeds (Reefs)
- 1310 Salicornia and other annuals colonizing mud and sand
- 2110 Embryonic shifting dunes
- 2120 Shifting dunes along the shoreline with Ammophila arenaria (white dunes)
- 2130 Fixed coastal dunes with herbaceous vegetation (gray dunes)
Typical species for the area are Otter, Dobrudzha hamster, wagtail, spotted ferret, black-bellied bumblebee, spotted dragon, common marsh and thorn tortoise, large crested newt and carrion.