Green Balkans Pomorie BBF Tour du valat Life Programme Natura2000


the Lake

Consultative Council for Pomorie Lake

The Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation, together with the Green Balkans, the Pomorie Salinas and the Tour de Valat, have been working for more than a year to protect Pomorie Lake. Our concern for the future of this unique lagoon leads us to establish the Pomorie Lake - an informal structure for discussing solutions for sustainable lake management. The main focus will be the relationship between the natural and economic values of Lake Pomorie and the Natura 2000 areas in which it falls.

The first meeting will be held on November 19, 2021 (Friday) from 10.00 to 12.00 in the hall of the Grand Hotel Pomorie. The topic is "Freshwater r salty is the future of the Pomorie Lagoon?". We would like to start a discussion together about the future of the lake, related to the reduced salinity of the waters, the endangered salt production that supports the process of formation of healing mud, the change of the species composition in the lagoon and others. It is important to discuss what the current situation is and what the possible role of each of the participants is.
The Consultative Council (CC) will meet once per year and, if necessary, will be convened by its members, who will discuss and make recommendations for improving the conditions and increasing the benefits of the lake for the local population and the community.
The participation in the meeting was confirmed by the Mayor of Pomorie, the Director of RIEW Burgas, the Director of IGIC at BAS, representatives of non-governmental organizations and the business in the face of hotels and sanatoriums in Pomorie, which use products from the lake, Pomorie Salinas Ltd. The moderator of the meeting will be the facilitator Lina Slavova from "Contact".
In order to comply with all anti-epidemiological measures, participants in the event will be admitted after showing a green certificate at the entrance. Anyone who does not have one can take a test in the hotel laboratory (from 9:15 am).
The Consultative Council is organized by the Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation (BBF) within the project "Life for the Pomorie Lagoon" (LIFE19 NAT / BG / 000804), co-financed by the EU LIFE program. More about the project at, as well as on the Facebook page Life for the Pomorie Lagoon.